Wrath of the Black Manta NES Review - Vigilante justice has a new name...

by McDick2002 on Sunday, August 29, 2004
And you should probably address him as Mr Manta given the amount of bloodshed he causes. This game is great. I made it almost all the way through the game before I figured out how to adjust the magic. Mr. Manta's basic attacks (a dagger at close range, shruiken at a distance) are bloody enough but some of the magic (like fire rain) is downright evil.With one flick of his wrist (or from buttons you push) Mr. Manta can waste hordes of enemies at once. But don't feel guilty. Wasting these drug-dealing child-kidnapping terrorists is morally acceptable. They apparently don't deserve rights as everyone just lets Mr. Manta kill wherever and whenever he pleases. Too bad there werent a couple of lawyers to whack...lol. And don't bother suing. I don't have s&*t.9/10. It would get a 10 if it werent for Ninja Gaiden (which they have recently ripped off for the XBox) and Shinobi (also shamelessly ripped off for the XBox). If you play either of these games on theXBox and you still have similac dripping off your ears and you were to young to play the originals you're going to get a huge surprise.

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