by Pricetag on Tuesday, October 2, 2001
This game tried to be way too complicated and realistic, and forgot to include fun gameplay.
It had all 28 NFL teams, but no players' license. You choose from a few pools of players with different skill levels for your team before the game begins.
The game had a realistic playbook, but with one problem--the plays weren't shown on screen, you had to look at the instruction manual to see which button combinations called which plays--ugh!
It went downhill from there. The players moved like snails, and when you attempted a pass, when the ball got close to the receiver, the screen would cut to an up-close view that did just enough to throw you off and cause an incompletion.
The game just tried to be too "by the book" for its own good. My friend's dad had this game, and I played it with my friend one time. On the game's first play, I was flagged for an illegal chuck. This was back in a time when football games didn't have penalties. I didn't even know what an illegal chuck was--heck, I'm still not sure what it is. But I know what this game was--no fun. My friend and I turned the game off after the penalty call.
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NFL Football
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