by Coffin Joe on Friday, May 10, 2002
I rememeber as a kid purchasing Monster Party at a Toys R' Us in New Jersey. It was a toss up between Mario 2, and the game mentioned. I chose Monster Party because my true hobby is collecting horror films, and the monsters on the cover truly sparked my interest! When I popped in the cartridge, I got something I didnt expect. First off, the game is good, not great but good. The graphics are good, the sound is good, the control is good, and the idea is just messed up! You play as a kid who when walking home from a baseball game is confronted by a monster named Bert. Bert tells him that he was sent to find a warrior that could save the Land of Monsters from, well, evil monsters. So off they go! While this may sound like a cute NES premise, there are some things in the game that are just bizzare, like the bosses for one. At one point you fight a torso-less punker! One point in the game, the beginning, is freaky, and the background gets all GORY, with blood, slime, and screaming zombies. Monster Party is, as I stated, a GOOD, but not great, game from BANDAI. What there inspiration was, well who knows?
-Coffin Joe
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Monster Party
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