by SSJDarkFlames47 on Saturday, May 24, 2003
Monster Party has 2 be 1 of the funniest damn games I've EVER played! I mean, "Sorry. I'm already dead" 4 a boss, and a shrimp, that turns in 2 an onion ring, that turns in 2 fish patties on a stick? OMG! Genius! Pure genius! Lmao! Love the music 2! The music KICKZ ASS! I can't find out how 2 get past the wierd dancing mumyy dudez on lvl 5, though. The ending is, by FAR, my favorite part! If the music 2 that part (which is right after the boy opens the box and the princess comes out) isn't good enough, THEN we get 2 see bloody skull heads floating around and the 2 people melting! (which is the MOST kickass thing in the whole game) HELL YEAH! Good game. 9.5/10
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Monster Party
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