Army Shooter...any idea?


I've seen a shooter used in Army recruiting, I can't think of it. They also used it in Basic Training from what I heard. The gun is an M16 with Super Scope functionalities and a bland cartridge. Any clues to its title or any method of acquiring?

I haven't heard of that, but when you find it you'll have to let us know. It sounds really cool.

I haven't heard of that, either.
I know that the army is using software, but probably not SNES or other video games? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd like to play that thing, though.

I haven't seen it, but I remember a few years ago seeing a special on TV about it. I don't think it's something that they'd make readily available to the public, though.

They can't expose their secrets to the public!
When Kim or Osama B. or someone gets to know of the secret tactics (that are simulated in the software), national security is in danger.

ah, but the Army does have a computer game. It's called America's Army, they use it as a recruiting tool. it's a free download, and is based on the Unreal engine, so it's not a bad game. I just don't like the fact that they use it to glamorize the Army and make it sound like it's great fun.

According to the army, army IS great fun.

oh yeah! there's nothing I like more than waking up in the morning, having some breakfast and getting shot in the face!

but I think I'll leave it at that, I have some rather strong opinions on that matter and I'd rather not 'cause a riot on the forums

I'm in the army. I think I know what you're talking about. It's a SNES game designed to teach you how to shoot the M16 properly. It uses a superscope style M16, and consists of gray pop-up targets against a green field. To be honest, it's a piece of crap. The game said that I was one of the worst shooters in the Platoon, whereas in the field, i turned out to be second best. Regardless, I've looked for it online, and have found it not.

I was in the German army and it didn't suck so much.
... ok it sucked when I was in, but when I came out I realized I made lots of cool memories. I quite liked shooting. And not to brag here, but I was good.

What year did they start using this, anyway? I was in the Marine Corps. from 1994-1998, and never heard of it until I got out... I can't remember exactly when I saw the special on TV...

I was an M47 Dragon Gunner (before they got phased out), and we had some sort of video game deal, but it was virtually worthless.

It all seems like a big waste to me...

I don't think you can really train people with video games.
If you could, you would just run around Half Life or Halo LAN parties and recruit people.

The video games and reality are so totally different... a mistake in a game causes nothing, a mistake in real life, at war e.g. can cost lives.

I don't know about training people for war, but I know games have been used to train Formula One drivers. Formula One games in recent years have used real track designs and it's been common for new drivers to practice on the games before they get to the track so they know the general layout in advance. Unfortunatly though when you crash a real car you can't just hit the restart race button!

You can show the drivers the general layout, but it's of no use when you want to teach somebody driving.
Nothing can replace the real thing.
Famous Michael Schumacher once said that those games are nice but somehow he doesn't get the feeling, although they have become nearly 100% realistic.

Oh yes of course you can't expect to know how to drive a formula one car just from playing a game . But each team only has a limited amount of parctice time on track so you don't want a new driver wasting time trying to remember the basic layout of the track and thats where the games help. Just as research.