Snes lists!


Hi people, i'm looking for a good Snes rarety list, can't find any proper lists on the net, anyone know some good lists!?
Please reply or pm me,thanx!

Hi Nes-a-holic, here's a site I found last night
I'm not sure how good the list is...but the music might get on your nerves after a couple Hope this helps

Thanx man, i just bought one at the flea and i wanted to know indeed how rare some are, i see them eveytime but i don't know what it's worth or how rare it is, now i got an idea!

i just checked out that list and i disagree with it. at least half the games on there are way more scarce than listed.


I checked it out last night and i was wondering were all the pal release only's are, is there a complete list somewhere,if someone knows please let me know!