My SNES is acting up....
I ttried to turn on my SNES today, but the light would not come on. I looked, and everything is pluged in. Can this be fixed?
Try jiggling the AC plug in the back. I current have to have pressure pulling it up, otheriwse it will not boot. Make sure outlet in the wall is suppling
I'll go try it......
Nope, nothing.
Could it be the AC adapter?
DId your snes, say, work yesterday, or last week, or did you just dig out out of stores?? That could be it.
It worked yesterday. It played like new...
The AC on it is probably shot, the adapter that is. I'm on my 3rd OFFICIAL
POWer supply. I have no idea why they're so unreliable, but I'd try to borrow a spare before you buy a new SNES.
I think thats what I'll do. My friend has a working SNES, so I'm just gonna borrow is AC. Thanks guys.