Sega Gen. cables...

In Other Classic Systems

I was at this local Pawn shop the own where I got my SNES PS2 and games...ETC anyways they have a lose Sega Gen. without any cables I'm going to pick this thing up but I'm wonder where can I get gen cables. Can I use DC cables? you know how you can use the AC cables from you cube to work with your SNES. Anyways any Ideas where I can get those Gen cables so I can start playing my Gen any day now thankx.

Your best bet is likely ebay, or possibly

I usually just end up poking wires into the AV-out port, or opening it up and soldering in some standard RCA jacks.

You'll likely get away with any RF cable for the TV, and I've always found my Master System POWer supply worked just fine. Should work just fine with most 9Volt dealies though, since my Master System used to work just fine with my old Sinclair/Timex POWer supply. The trickiest thing might be getting hold of a pad if you haven't already got one.

You'll likely get away with any RF cable for the TV, and I've always found my Master System POWer supply worked just fine. Should work just fine with most 9Volt dealies though, since my Master System used to work just fine with my old Sinclair/Timex POWer supply. The trickiest thing might be getting hold of a pad if you haven't already got one.

That's all well and good if it's a Genesis 1, but the most common ones are the Genesis 2, so that's likely what we're dealing with here. It uses a different AV cable, as well as POWer adapter.

Airfiggy, could you describe what this console looks like, if you don't already know what model it is?

Can't remember if its 1 or 2 but here is a pic of the system.....

That's a model 1, You should be able to use any standard RF cable, and the AC adapter is a fairly standard 9v 1.2A adapter.

You should ask them if they have any cables for it though, sometimes they do, but just didn't bother to look.

That's a model 1, You should be able to use any standard RF cable, and the AC adapter is a fairly standard 9v 1.2A adapter.

You should ask them if they have any cables for it though, sometimes they do, but just didn't bother to look.

they said when the store moved have the cables got broken and none of them work now.... Oh well they only want 2 game boy games or 1 snes game. I will pick up this system later today. besides all I need is the cables and a controller and games how hard is it to find those things in onterio? I know where to get games but the cables and controller not to sure.....

You know, that didn't even occur to me. Can't believe they used different connectors for the later models!

Ebay might very well prove to be your savior for the Hookups you need.