It's our 4th wedding anniversary today :)

In Off-topic

As the title says I'm married for 4 years today. I'm happy about it, so I thought I'd open a topic about it.
My wife and I were having lunch at a good Italian restaurant. It was very nice.
I hope the following years are as good and harmonious as the first 4 years were.

Congrats! Rock teh cazbah! So whats it like being married? I enjoy the single life!
Does your wife get mad if you spend to much time on the internet and video games?

My wife likes to play with me, so, the answer is no. She doesn't get mad. Yay.
She's on the internet very long, too, so she can't be mad about that either.

I like being married. It's nice to have somebody to huddle up to in the night.

Dude what are you doing Online?;) Take her out or stay in have a Candle light dinner! Anyways what did you do today?

Congrats, man. You ordered a cannoli, right?

Aaron, I want my wife to love me, so I definitely won't sing her a song.

We had a nice day. Lunch with seafood pizza (I had something else, because I don't like seafood on my pizza). In the afternoon we went a bit shopping and were eating cake. (Nothing can beat a good old high-calorie, German chocolate cake. )

What's a cannoli again?
If you mean cannelloni, then no.

Congrats, seems you guys are pretty happy together.

Man, I'm jealous. Congratulations on four years.