Toilet-related injury O__O

In Off-topic

While searching for info on a Trainer on Pokemon G/S/C I came across this on Wiki.

I know it sounds werid but it's shocking to see all the things that can happen to you. It's worth a look. I guess the Number #1 Toilet-related Death would be drowning. What a sad way to die.


Now I've seen it all... Wikipedia FTW.

P.S.: I don't want to die on the potty.

Great, Aaron, now you've made me paranoid of the place where I do my greatest thinking !

That was an interesting sidequest but, WHY????

By the way.... My household paranoia:
Refrigerated Cryogenic Death. 'Nuff said.

LMAO!!! Funny you should mention that as I've a slightly disturbing toilet death story.

Right hand to God ya'll. On a busy Saturday morning when I worked at Golden Corral there was a regular that came in quite often. He was an obese older guy with bad health and to top it off stomach cancer. This is according to the EMT: After eating he went to the bathroom got up, and wiped his bum and apparently had a stroke. Well on the way down he smashed his head on the crapper.

His trashing around caused his tumor on his stomach to rip apparently (The tumor part I'm guessing at as there was remains on the floor I could not identify and there was way too much blood just to be just the head.) Anyhow the EMTs were called in and they were wheeling him through the dinner floor pumping on his chest. If you saw how bugeyed, purple and bloody he was you knew he was dead. Seeing all this I had to go look into the bathroom, I swear to God it looked like someone was brutally murdered in there. You know what really sucked though? He died in the stall that I usually sat in to sneak a smoke break or take a dump. I could never go in there again without thinking about it.