Help! I need a man!
Seriously, I can't call the fixer upper guy for the apt building (I have one too many cats and don't want to get evicted). My fridge is on the fritz. The egg tray (on the door) is somehow filling up with water and the bottom of the fridge is leaking red gunk (and I don't have ANYTHING red in my fridge or freezer, no red meat ect).
How do I fix this?!?!? It's not pouring out like crazy, just gradually slowly leaking.
If anyone has any ideas that would be
Super Cool!
Well I don't know if I can help or not, but knowing what kind of fridge you have would make it a little easier for someone. Is it a side by side like this:
or is it an overhead one like this:
First off, LOL at the name of the thread!
Is it a frostless refrigerator? If so, it sounds like that part of it is broken or the tray underneath to catch the water is full.
If it has an ice-maker that part could be broken, as well. There's way too many things that could go wrong with these things.
It does sound like a frostless refrigerator, though. The "red stuff" could be remnants from an ancient popsicle mishap in the freezer, or something like that, that's just leaking from the tray. I'd check that and report the result.
If it's not any of these things, I'd suggest leaving your cats with a friend and calling the maintenace guy, summer is a fantastic time for refrigerator/freezers to wave bye-bye.
Did you contact your landlord about this? Maybe they can fix it. Or, call the place you bought this. If it was already there then go find an Empty Aprt and switch yours with the one you have I dunno its so crazy it just might work.
Reading is fun!
On another note, Jenni's the crazy cat lady.
Reading is fun!
On another note, Jenni's the crazy cat lady.
Dang I forgot to read the whole thing. At least she isn't this Crazy Cat lady from the Simpsons:
Check for any cracks/missing pieces in the sealing trim around the door of both the fridge and the freezer. That may be the culprit for the water in the egg tray.
And for the red water, check for a slow/stopped fan in the back of the fridge. Or maybe a miss-placed drip hose, or a cracked water pan. It could be red for a number of reasons, but most likely your water tray is rusty. It might help to put some sponges in the water tray as well. In order to check most of that stuff you have to pull out the fridge and look in the back.
Post your findings. If none of that helps, I have a couple other things you can check. I do this kind of stuff for a living, so HOPEFULLY I can help. Otherwise I am in the wrong field (which I just put in my notice to quit )
Check the freezer for mutilated carcasses. Happened to me too when my
POWer went out.
Ok. I checked for any cracks or breaks in the seals. None that I could find. No icemaker, and it's frost free.
The redish goop is definatly coming from somewhere underneath because there is no streaks coming from inside the fridge. No carcasses in the freezer. I'm a clean freak when it comes to my home.
I took some pics to maybe help you get a picture of what I'm dealing with.
The Kind of Fridge:
Goop on the floor...
"Driphole" in back of fridge
Top of inside of fridge (when that water drips from).
There's your problem, that model of fridge doesn't support mini eclairs, you better give those to me for umm... disposal...
Is the freezer still keeping things cold? the drip tray could just be full... that's what the "red goop" looks like to me, old mushy freezer water.
Today sometime I'm going to try pull out the fridge and peek underneath (It's way too dark out at the current moment, I'll need some daylight).
Hmm..just another thought:
The light bulb inside, being in such proximity to the top of the fridge like it is, could simply be causing condensation, making the drip inside happen. Is the bulb the proper wattage? If the door is opened a lot, just the heat from the bulb could be causing the drip. Also, I'd check and see if the switch is broken (the one that keeps the bulb OFF when the door is shut), it should be around the door somewhere, or around where the temperature gauge is.
As for the rest of it, yeah, it sounds like the drip tray is full.
If the drip tray is full, that is only half of the problem. The fan in those is supposed to evaporate the water in the tray... If it is not keeping up, you may need a new fan motor. They don't cost a whole lot. You can also try helping it keep up, by putting sponges in there. At the dollar store I think you can buy like 5 for a dollar.
Also, if you are going to pull the fridge out, don't forget to check for the misplaced drip hose, and a cracked/misplaced drip tray. You may also want to see if your fan motor is running good without any noise. If it is EXTREMELY hot in the back compartment your fan is probably shot. If it is just hot back there, then that is somewhat normal.
As to the life of those, they basically last forever. The only things that can go out are: The fan motor (most common and easiest to fix), the compressor (not worth it to fix), or all of your freon leaks out (also not worth it to fix).
Good call on the light switch ToddVania, but the wattage wouldn't really matter a whole lot.