Simpsons The Movie Clips, Plus Spiderman 3 from Comic Con

In Off-topic




Spiderman 3 clip in below posts.

the clips are removed


They probably will find there way back on youtube, or something else. Same thing happened with the Robot Chicken episodes on youtube, but they are back on. Anyways , next year will be CRAZY! Sherk 3, Pirates 3, Simpsons, Spider Man 3....CRAZY!!!

AND Pirates 2 next year..

Sorry guys, the time I posted these they worked but I will look for a working link hopefully Youtube has them up loaded.

Also, ComicCon Spiderman 3 Trailer!:

Dang they removed it.

Here is an G4 interview with the cast of Spiderman 3:

Plus Simpsons Movie Trailer!: