Nicknames people call you.

In Off-topic

Do you have a Nickname or Nicknames people call you? Most people I know call me "Big Guy" I don't understand why but they do! What about you?

Barbie : Because of my insane collection

Kisa : It means "cat"

Jenn-Jenn : My best friend sometimes calls me that.

Mo-jobean and mercalator. they're both inside jokes

"Radio Without An Emplifier"...(Don't ask...)

Most of my nicknames have died down, but I still get called Philbot now and again.


My wife and family calls me... no, I won't tell.

Some people called me Akira back then when I did my military serVice. Akira because they knew I was into Japan and anime.
One guy at school sometimes called me Emu. Why? "Long legs and can run fast" usually gone or in the basement.
willy..whort for william
Hooper. Jaws

umm weird things...


Arroz con Leche.

Rice with milk!?

As for myself I have no nicknames beside the occasional "dumbass" which most of us have probably been called.

Yup. Everyone mispronounces my name as 'Rice', instead of 'Reese', and so one of my Mexican American friends dubbed me Arroz con Leche. The milk part refers to my pearly white skin.

What can I say? I like it.

I have to admit, I had no idea how to pronounce it. You use a strange spelling my friend.

you're named after a candy bar?

atleast it's a really good candy bar!

I have to admit, I had no idea how to pronounce it. You use a strange spelling my friend.

It's a hardcore oppressed-people Welsh spelling of the name. The spelling R-E-E-S-E is the softcore French spelling.

I've got a couple...

GodFather- cause when i lend out money...I get it back!

All American- it was a nickname some freinds gave me when we played football.

SpiderMan- because i can free run(aka running on the wall like Neo in the Matrix)

i thinks thats about it but i like them....

OH WAIT theres one more.....
i was called Chigger at one point because i hand like 50 Chiggers on each of my ankles....i know what you think gross... WELL IT WAS!

anyways thats all of them...

Actually, Trinity was the one who ran on the wall in the movies.

Jackie Chan also runs on walls.
Cool move.

Bah, I hate spiderman its all about Venom!
Also latly my Friends have been calling me side burns, Maybe I should shave them off!

Why shave?
Create a new trend.

I heard sideburns are "in" and "hip" next year.

Why shave?
Create a new trend.

I heard sideburns are "in" and "hip" next year.

I am keeping them until they get really Big and Ugly also I have black hair so people can see my side burns from far away! Pretty cool I guess!

Same here, although I don't have sideburns very often, I usually shave them off. I think it's cool to have it though, it's just not my style.

i got sideburns down past my ears. the ladies love it

My side Burns also come past my ears.

Aaron... shave them off NOW!

Aaron... shave them off NOW!

Does anyone remember that site where this Guy had a bunny and if he didn't get enough money he would kill the bunny? Well I want to start a website that if I don't get enough money I shave the side burns off, I wonder how much money it will bring in?

i remember that site! we had my webdesign teacher looking at it one day.

Oh sweet. I wonder what happend to the Bunny?

the guy kept the bunny as a pet, or released it to the wild and kept all the money.

I wonder how much he maked. That would have been a huge Cash Cow lol.

last time i saw the site (about a year ago) he had over $10,000

Fascinating to see how stupid people make a spupid amount of money...

fascinating to see how stupid people spell stupid wrong.

it's ridiculous that he made that much money off it. i can't believe so many people donated money to that idiot

Got me there. How spupid of me.

I guess the people who donated to that guy were still stupider than himself.
That guy should go to jail... or at least rabbit hell when he dies, so that he gets what he deserves.

Wished I had a cool nick name. Does go away god*amnit count?