know whats funny.

In Off-topic

Im done with this kid fest of a forum. Enjoy your off topicness and let dictator luke rule you and get away with the kids bs.

And since the creator of the site doesnt come here anymore, expect it to be shut down sometime in the next year or so.

I guess I should have listened to Star Tropics and some other people sooner because once this place got huge it turned to complete shit with mods letting flaming go and what not. Plus we have one other mod who doesnt do jack shit about anything and that is Manuel. And you suddenly have to have a high post count or you are considered a noob. I thought this place actually had adults in it but turns out I was wrong, oh well.

Guess ill be staying at where they actually act grown up and not make off topic posts all the time and they have better managment over there.

Hope you kids enjoy your fun.

Now time for luke to do the only thing he knows how to do in life and thats use his big gavel on me.


That would suck so much.. But why take down the NESFILES? WE ARE LIKE FAMILY!!!!

I'm not going to delete this because I guess it's Ninja Gaiden's final goodbye (other than 500 spam threads he started after whining about things being childish...)

Yes, the gavel was slammed down. No, that's not the only thing I know how to do. I can eat ice cream, ride a bike, tie my shoes, and one or two other things.

I'm not even going to lock this thread. (until it gets out of hand.)

It can become the "Luke Sucks!" thread.

Meaning Luke from Star Wars. No, seriously, I knew this was going to happen, after the "Canada Thread". Call it a sixth sense, I call it experience. So many people have left this forum because of things like this. I really can't understand it, it seems like some people here always needs attention. Look at me, I bet most people don't even know I'm here, even though I've been here for 2 years. Not a single person has asked for me when I've been away, but you don't see me complaining. I just want to have a good time here.

I really can't understand why everybody has to blame this on Luke, hell I'd like to switch places with Luke sometimes, mostly because I know he's a well respected person around here. People tend to be jealous of that, and gets pissed at him. He does a fine job here, and has to take a lot of crap from certain individuals.

I admire him for his for how mature he is, and how he's able to handle things. The fact that he does his best for this website, and gets these "compliments" makes me sick. The person(s) who's OK with that, ain't OK with me.

So go ahead Ninja Gaiden, leave. You were obviously just one of those individuals who was just about to crack. I wonder which ones next, if any...

What I don't understand about this kind of thing is, no one put a gun to his head and ordered him to stay here...
"Off-topic posts all the time?"
If he's talking about people discussing things other than video games, it's time he realized there's more to life. That's one of the reasons I like this forum, you can talk about almost everything.
I was unlucky enough to view some of the spam personal attacks, and he complains about "children?"

Glad he's gone, he was the worst in terms of proper grammar and ability to spell things correctly.. Wouldn't be surprised if he's insecure or mentally unstable, he's been trying to attack me for a while, like I cared what he thought about me..

so what happened with Star-Tropics? i guess i missed alot while i was in Texas

He developed an issue with authority. He left of his own free will, though he still logs in quite often. I guess he thinks I can't see him through the hidden status in his profile.

EDIT: As a matter of fact, he's logged on right now.

Well, now that my name has been mentioned I'm gonna post.

First, glad to see that another person thinks that this "forum" is a dictatorship.

Second, just because Luke sees my username on that doesn't mean that I'm visiting this "forum". As a matter of fact, it is my nephew, and he is my spy.

I told him, hey can you visit this "forum" daily and let me know if someone mentioned my usernames. So, today he told me uncle Robin someone mentioned your former username Star Tropics. Therefore, you forced me to post. I hope this will be my last post on this "forum".

How old are you? I always guessed 14. Your attitude seems to support my presumption.

There is a very simple solution to your apparent problem with this site. It involves being able to read the string of characters 'off-topic' and restrain yourself from clicking said string with your computer mouse cursor.

I haven't seen the owner in ages, but this site still seems to be working. Can you read my message? I believe the site is still operational. Yes, it appears to be so.

I understand that following the two (or sometimes even 3) new topics that are created each day by the ten active members of this site can be overwhelming at times. However, I do not think the word 'huge' applies to the userbase of this forum. Perhaps a better observation would be that this site is now moderately active with a small established userbase.

Now look what you've done. Manuel is crying. I hope you feel like a big man now.

Actually, this place is a virtual message board where people can share ideas. It exists as a set of computer instructions and a database of data. These instructions and data are stored on a server in the server room of a web hosting provider. Thus, this place occupies no volume and as a result it can contain no adults nor can it contain any kids.

Good luck trying to fit. Like the NES Files, posesses no volume and you will be hard pressed to stay there.

Thanks. We will.

Actually, at the moment he's busy eating ice cream while riding his bike with perfectly tied shoes (I hear Luke uses the 'bunny-ears' method). Sorry to disappoint.

May your dreams be filled with Linkin Park angst and internet message boards.

I've been missing these kind of replies since Z.E.N left, much appreciated.
Laughed a few times while reading through that.
Put things in perspective, too.

Hmmm. This is the first post I've read on this site for a while... whats going on people? What have I missed that has turned so many people hostile?

A lot of people have developed a problem with authority, and choose ways of expression that are a little less than ideal...

Too bad the internet is too serious or else it might have worked out.

Just for everybody's info, I'm not crying.
I usually don't cry when kids say stupid stuff.

Again and again. It's everybody's freedom to be on this forums or stay the hell out of it. No need to inform us other users with annoying comments.
It's also everybody's freedom not to read the off-topic section.
One hint! If you don't click it, you don't have to read it.

As for the little attack on me: What should I do sh*t about a perfectly working forums other than deleting spam posts from time to time?

I don't have time to hang around in forums 24/7. There's work to do (hey kids, sooner or later you'll have to work, too) and I have to write a thesis for my Master's degree (). I have a wife, a family and friends, too, you know.
Luke is also working and is dedicating lots of his time to this forum, so a bit more gratefulness would be appropriate instead of bashing.

This forum is based on games topics, but developed to a place where people can talk about everything and I like that.
Life consists of more than just gaming.


Well I registered over there and checked.
They have about 4500 posts about games and about their page. Then there were 2100 posts that can be counted as off-topic. Now let's put that in relation and we get .
At nesfiles we have about 30800 posts related to gaming and the site itsself (announcements and such) and 12600 off-topic posts. The relation here is *drumroll* .

In relation and in total we have on-topic posts than
So, Ninja Gaiden and other guys, stop Contradicting yourselves.
If you like other pages better that's ok and cool, but don't say stupid stuff.

As for Seems like a nice little forum. I like the idea of getting virtual money for posts and buying stuff. Like they have on digitpress forums, too.

I dont get what Luke does to get all this hate. He and the other mods do a thankless job. I love this place, just because I dont post alot dosent mean I'm not reading and keeping up.
My grammar and spelling arent the best, but I try and its really not that hard to make a ledgiable post. As for that carnage guy being of Jewish faith I'm glad Luke booted his ass, with all that Nazi anti-Jew rhetoric he went on about. I dont know much about the other bannings, so I wont comment. People should just relax..its an internet site were we come together with like minded people to talk about video games. With everything going on in the world your calling Luke a dictater and worried about posts going off topic? /end rant/

Well, NG, I like you, but you're acting like a child. Or manchild, whichever the case may be. Last time I jumped into the conversation about "Oh Where Oh Where Has My NES Files Gone?", I suggested to and do something constructive to help solve any problem that you see.

I guess that now you've done that, in a Darwin-Awards kind of way.

Man, everytime I go out of town I come back to see one of these conversations going on. I am going to try not to comment on these anymore.

I must say though, Mr. DNA... EXCELLENT SHOW! That was hilarious