MST3K 2.0 thread

In Off-topic

Alongside Z.E.N. and Newb, I'm a hardcore Mystery Science Theater Fan. After watching dozens of MST3k episodes in one sitting, I got the Idea to make a fan Film. As you can see from my beautiful signature Its coming 2007. Currently I'm tweaking the script and gathering parts for the bots. I decided to have a good heart and keep the classic Tom Servo and Crow, though I'm going to work some new homemade robots into the mix. The new SOL Design is good too.

The Story So Far:

Dr. Clayton Forrester has been cloned from his smoldering remains. Seeking revenge on the world, he ressurects his old experiment plan. Regaining the funding from his mother Pearl, he constructed two satelites: the Satelite of Love, where he would have his victims endure hundreds of cinematic suppositories, and the Satelite of Hate, where he would overlook the destruction of said poor soul.

At an ordinary Sci-fi convention Dr. Forrester looked for the perfect target for Measure 37 (the experiments). He spied upon a young, neophyte (newbie) nerd named CJ.

The first movie in his experiment is:


I was have trouble locating parts but I found this guy who has tons of cool bot parts. Here's a link if you're interested in making the bots, and are to lazy/busy to go goodwill hunting! (movie pun!).

you should check out I've ordered from him a few times and everything was great and he has wonderful step by step instructions for free. That E-bay guys prices for crows body are way to high. You should just search ebay for "tuperware floralier" you'll need two of them. The control rod/puppet controls for crow are from a hardware store and cost me roughtly $2.50. If you check out that site you'll see you can make the bots ALOT cheaper.

Crow Parts

I'm only commenting on Crow because I've only built him so far. Although Cambot is extremely simply and cheap.

Good God, Surf Ninjas... I saw that movie in ... Oh, man.

EDIT: Evil, don't know how far you are on the movie, but in the tradition of MST 3000 ragging on pre-movie shorts, I've seen the most beautiful, beautiful 50's public serVice announcement that you could use.

Yes, vintage educational-video gold. It's about homosexuals, and the murderous, childraping bastards that they are. I'm absolutely sure that you could track it down on a torrent somewhere.

I just may have to work that in ^^ It sounds like real fun!!!