Hola Senor airfiggy has returned!

In Off-topic

Hello everyone.

I am in San Diego right now. Staying at Holiday Inn for the night. I catch my plane at 8:30am. Anyhow I had a great trip! The cruise didn't go to the gulf of Mexico....But the Mexican Rivera! It was really sweet. Can't wait to return to my country. Anyways how was everyone while I was away?

Welcome back senor airfiggy.

Thank You. So hows everyone doing?

Well, I made an uber-l337 picture for the Karnov Love Thread. Other than that, I'm still an obnoxious jackass. Oh, and Campkill said that Chuck Norris could beat Karnov.


true story. anyways, welcome back d00d0rz.

Welcome Back Buddy

Welcome back!

Welcome back.

How were the cabins on the ship?

Welcome back, hope you enjoyed your stay!