i think this is the coolest thing

In Off-topic

EVER!!! i am very impressed.

Pfft.. i can do that no sweat
Really, that amazes me every time i see it. theres some other real good ones on bigboys ill try to dig up. guys jumping from skyscrapers. Really.

Two words:

That Owned.

alright how do i save that to my harddrive?

Hey jake, another AOL moment? I think you right click the link and say save link as unless they only stream.

What I did, was used a download manager, and grabbed the URL to the file from the page source.

I suggest .

The direct URL to the file itself is:

That was interesting.
I wish I could do some of the things the guys do there, but not in shopping malls. Too dangerous.

If i were to use my awesome ninja Skills, in the mall. people would like trip me except with Awesome ninja Skills they'd miss.!

In good ol' Germany someone would definitely call the police if you pulled your stunts in a mall.

has anyone seen the french guys that do this kind of stuff?,

its also pritty cool they set it up like a gang is chasing this one guy, and he jumps off buildings, stairs, climbs up building,and jump big gaps in between buildings heaps of other stuff, although its not really ninja stuff,

its still pritty cool ill have to find it again.

Totally sweet