Let's look way back at NES Files!

In Off-topic

....... Enjoy!

Wow, that's pretty awesome. Thanks for posting that. It confirms my suspicion that it's time for a colour scheme and logo change for this site.

Haha that's cool. It fun reading posts from the NES Files forums 2001. Shame none of those people still post.

There were contests to win games!? that would be sweet to have back.

HAHAHA! That's great! Good job man!

A long while ago contests to win games weren't too unusual. I think a few NES sites did it, although, I'm not sure if it was frequent.

It may be something to look into, as far as funding, or donations of doubles or something.

YAY! Thanks for that link.

It's really fun to see the old pages and forums.

that was intresting

I first found this place way back in the spring of 2001, after getting regular internet in 2000.

I remember those funny "flash cards" that you could e-mail to people that said stuff like "happy birthday from Bomberman" (which showed an animation of Bomberman next to a birthday cake with a bomb in it that explodes). They had other flash animations with lots of NES characters. I don't remember where they were on this site (or where they went to) but those were great.

I didn't post on the message boards here though. Back then I was at places like gamewinners, gamerboards, and nintendochat (now vgchat) but it's good to see how it all looked a few years ago.


Wow this place sure did evolve. I always wondered what happend to the old posters from 01 and so fourth. Thanks for that link

People leeching NES ROMs, that probably would have been someone like me . what can I say I'm a freelaoder and hate voting 3 times and viewing anime porn.

Hey dudes, you remember when NES Files became a "donate" site? That was definite evidence that the 'files hasn't been all "Sunshine and flowers". what kind of hard times made the site do such a move?