Ha ha ha, I'm awesome.

In Off-topic


That doesn't sound gross to me at all. In fact, it sounds like something they would make at the place down the street from where I go to university. Yum.

That isn't gross.

You should see the stuff my dad makes sometimes.

Bon appetit!

Sounds fire really. So i'd try it if I ever saw you.

I am sooo hungry and that sounds sooo good,

My grandad eats white beans and sliced tomato with chocolate cake. He claims it was because he was raised in the depression or something. And you know those cinnamon sticks pizza hut sells? They're great dipped in maranara (yum)


Throw in some hot sauce (I put hot sauce on everything) and I say you have a yummy meal!

Main Entry: jam·ba·laya
Pronunciation: "j&m-b&-'lI-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Louisiana French, from Provençal jambalaia
1 : rice cooked usually with ham, sausage, chicken, shrimp, or oysters and seasoned with herbs
2 : a mixture of diverse elements <curious jambalayas of competing elements