I made the top 20!

In Off-topic

Im in the top 20 for the most post on these here forums! Im number 17 on the list! thats cool.


edit by manuel (made 1 post from 2):

and heres the top 20 list as of monday, june 20, 2005 at 3:14am eastern time zone.
1. manuel
2. NES-Luke
3. Roth
4. _NrG_
5. daynum
6. Devil that cried
7. faille
8. Z.E.N
9. Malon_Forever
10. Ninja Gaiden4005
11. ZombieHunterX
12. Nes-a-holic
13. Paco Belmondo
14. dkalweit
15. Star-Tropics
16. Uber Newb
17. murder_killz (ME!)
18. cam1
19. ShadowXMetalshred
20. rabidshark


Please refrain from pushing your post rank by double posting or making pointless threads.
Such a list will always change and thus has no big meaning.
The meaning of a board like this is not the post rank, but the communication with others who have the same interests.