Movie Opportunities Hollywood Missed Out On

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Okay, here's the deal; everyone knows video game movies are bad. So, what this thread is for is to post your own video game movie idea.

Here's mine: this one is an opportunity Hollywood DEFINITELY missed out on, because it would have only worked in the 80's: Contra, starring A'nold Schwartzenneger and Sly Stallone. No plot AT ALL. Here would be the script:

Arnie: "I am a special operatives agent. Let us kill things."
Sly: "Yuh, I'm one of those, too. Let's go!"

Arnie and Sly shoot terrorists and aliens for two hours.

Arnie and Sly fight Red Falcon, Sly dies (so the movie can be 'serious' drama), Arnie kills Big Red, then escapes on a helicopter.

Biggest summer blockbuster since Jaws...

Id say probably Dragon Warrior could have. Have someone play a knight and go around the world doing adventures and that sort of thing.

How about the soundtrack? Would the soundtrack be the same as the game's, only instrumental versions? Contra would have the same music. Jungle theme, Opening Theme, and Boss Theme.

Except for the credits music. It was a prerequisite in 80's action movies to have some completely unrelated song playing during the credits.

I like the Contra Idea but Arnie is no Bill Rizer.

gunstar Heroes and CHrono TRigger would be great!

Neither Sly nor Arnie really fit the characters that well, but the point is that they're as manly as we puny mortals can get.

Chrono Trigger... Hm. Who would be Magus? And who possibly could play Marle (without being too annoying)?

the only one that would work would be Contra. since there's no plot besides killing terrorrists and aliens, hollywood couldn't mess up.

chrono trigger? yeah right. They'd end up having heart to heart dialogue between Marle and Crono for over thirty minutes, ala Star Wars episode II.

the only one that would work would be Contra. since there's no plot besides killing terrorrists and aliens, hollywood couldn't mess up.

chrono trigger? yeah right. They'd end up having heart to heart dialogue between Marle and Crono for over thirty minutes, ala Star Wars episode II.

I cant say im to fond of one of the greatest RPGS to be a movie either. I think hollywood would make a disgrace out of Chrono Trigger.

Yeah I know what you mean.

A Super Mario movie would have been fantastic. Oh wai...


I was thinking the other day, and I think that, assuming for a moment that a videogame movie could actually be made by a good writer, Clock Tower has the makings of a cult classic.

Cult classics? I dont think hollywood ever "missed out" on a cult classic. they don't make much revenue.

Oh, You guys are slacking: METAL. FRICKIN. GEAR.
It would've beeen the Movie hit of 1989.
Kurt Russel as Snake
Peter Weller as the voice of "big boss"

and of course:
Tim Curry as some main bad guy.

Soundrack By Lion,LimoZeeN, or some hair metal group.
Hit Single: Jungle theme (instrumental version)

PE was a movie before it was a game. The sequel was sub-par though.

God yes! Once again, EvilNES saves the day, armed only with a POWer glove and sheer brilliance.

...Tim Curry? Hm. The guy can do very different roles... plus, he's a cool guy.

Yes! Dude, Kurt Russell would make a GREAT Solid Snake, or even Big Boss now after MGS3 (I keep seeing Kurt with the eye-patch)!

Honestly, I think Tim Curry is one of the most underrated actors of all time. Sure, he gets to do alot of different stuff, but how much does he actually get acknowledged for it? .... hmmmm... maybe he could have played as Coward Duck? Or maybe the infamous Colonel Vermin CaTaffy of whom we never saw in the game... only a booklet character. Speaking of which, I'm going to the Metal Gear forum right now!

for now, I'll probably just bring some fiends over to my house and make a Metal Gear movie. we got plenty of space to do it in.

That would be sweet. If you do make a movie, make a thread and post a link to it.