Should we make an MU?

In Off-topic

Should we make a "Members Update" It's a simple and fun process. What you do is get the active users and put their names down on a list, like this

Nes Luke
Star Tropics

Then you give info like their post count. Say we do this Monthly, we would make a rank system on upgrades and down grades (optional). Also we could put any many posts that user made from the last mu. Here is an example (without the rank system), and I am making up the post counts.

First MU - 9/23/05

User Name - - - Post Count

Roth - 900
NES-Luke - 400
StarTropics - 567
manuel - 890
daynum - 500

MU of 10/23/05

Roth - 1,900 (+1000)
NES-Luke - 850 (+450)
ect . . .

We would also put up an award system where the users vote for

" The most Helpful user "
" The User of the Month"
" Worst User"
" Smartest User"
ect . . .

We could have the winners of these awards post these awards in their signatures too

Just thought this might be interesting, I remember going to the game boards and they would do this. They would also make awards for the topic of the board. In this case we would discuss the classic NES. Like

" Best Game of the Month "
We would have users post their favorite game and the most popular gets this vote

"Worst Game of the Month"

And then end it with an interesting NES article story or bit of info.

Well, who do you think should keep track of the post counts from month-to-month? If you would do it, I'd nominate you for Most Helpful User

I don't think the Worst User thing would be very good, unless it's for a silly gag or something... Applesquash

Some of these ideas are cool, let's see what everyone else thinks...

I'm not really too keen on the idea of ranking people based on "most helpful" or anything like that. I'm quite sure we all try our best to be helpful to one another... I think this could cause competetion and make this place less fun to hang around at.

In other words, you would turn it into Vgchat.

Yeah i really agree. Sorry but this idea isnt very good in my opinion as Luke said (not directly) it could cause a lot of friction within the forums.

Wow! I didn't think of it like that! .... ummm... _NrG_.... sorry dude, but I think the way Shadow put it kind of turned me off of the idea.... man, to think what would become! I like that you're thinking of ideas for the board though. If you come up with any other ideas, swing 'em on by...

ugh... vgchat.

It could lead people to push up their post rank by use- and meaningless posts.

And as Luke said, hanging around here shouldn't be a competition.

i kinda aggre with luke and the others..things are quite quiet and friendly as they are..i mean why fix something that aint broke

ugh... vgchat.

I found that quite funny

Why fix something that aint broke is exactly right lol good choice of words!

Sorry, I did not realize this would cause some negativity.

I think there's no need for an excuse.
You made a suggestion and we discussed it.
No problem. If you have other ideas, just ask again.

I guess their wacked out administrator finally pulled the annual "April Fools" gag. It's a mess right now.

But at least they have a board!

He he.. Karnov...

Google is super awesome! I typed in only four words. See if you can find anything from this link:

I've never personally done anything like that, but I'm sure there are TONS of tutorials out there. Someone else may know a little better than I.

EDIT: Hopefully that link works for you. I just noticed that the url has Firefox as the client. I'm not sure if it works with other browsers... something I should find out. Anyway, if not, I used "Members update server side" as the search words without the quotes.

ok but i looking it at 3 weeks (sorry i am from latvia) i a cant find aniting