Why is X-Box doing this to me.(something about the X-Box NG)

In Ninja Gaiden

No one take this personally, but I really hate X-Box. (for many reason I don't feel like going into )

Here's what ya do, it's something I've been planning for a while.

1. Buy an XBox new. Microsoft loses money on your purchase.

2. Buy Ninja Gaiden used, or all your games for that matter. That way, you're still getting a taste for their games without supporting them, actually hurting them.

If your big pet peeve is M$, I'd suggest this. Personally, I think Nintendo and Microsoft are both heartless companies. Now I used to love Nintendo big time, but re-re-releasing everything that once was a hit and screwing Sony on the SNES CD add-on (now known as Playstation), the company's general trend has been very unappealing to me. Microsoft needs no explanantion.

All this, and I don't even own a Sony Playstation.

Hmm...not a bad idea. I think I'll buy X-Box used when X-Box 2 comes out out because then it will be really cheap.


I must be the only guy on earth who doesn't choose one system over the other. I think Sony rocks because of Final Fantasy & Metal Gear Solid. I think Nintendo rocks 'cus they've made games since I was born. And I also think Microsoft has it goin' on 'cus of Halo.

anyways, if you're anti-microsoft, just dont buy a Xbox or find a friend or someone who is selling theirs.

but if just one game is making you want to buy the system then the system/microsoft must not suck so bad.

Use the money to buy NES Games. I don't mind the X-Box, But i dont really 'liek' It either.

I must be the only guy on earth who doesn't choose one system over the other. I think Sony rocks because of Final Fantasy & Metal Gear Solid. I think Nintendo rocks 'cus they've made games since I was born. And I also think Microsoft has it goin' on 'cus of Halo.

anyways, if you're anti-microsoft, just dont buy a Xbox or find a friend or someone who is selling theirs.

but if just one game is making you want to buy the system then the system/microsoft must not suck so bad.

Whoever gets the good games gets my money.

- Sony has bad quality machines, but Final Fantasy.

- Microsoft is fine by me... especially now that they have mistwalker, guy who founded it is the father of Final Fantasy.

- Nintendo... needs to stop being so damn arrogant with its hardware so guys like Square stick around! But they have mario

All in all, if the game is good, I buy the system, only thing that stops me from buying games, is responsibility, as I have other things I need to spend it on, such as RRSPs.

Halo's over rated.
But at the end of the day, all of the companies are heartless bastards anyway