How many times did/do you die on Resident Evil 4?

In Modern Systems

Is it normal that you die so often or what? Am I too bad at it?
I died 4 times in the first hour. 2 times out of that I was slaughtered by some fork-zombies (I know technically they aren't Zombies, but what the heck), one time I blasted myself up, because I didn't know it was a bomb what was attached to a tree and one time a big boulder crushed me...

What I want to know is, do other players also die so often? Or am I just not made for that game?

Ha! Actually, I seem to remember . The irony of your question lies in what your response was on the next post:

At least you alotted yourself up to 100 deaths prior to playing the game Keep at it, it can be tough until you get a good feel on how you want to play it. Luke just went through it a couple of times recently. I'm not sure how many times he died though.

First time through I died... I think it was 59 times (that could have been saves... either way, it was a lot ). second time it was 7. but about half of those were just because I got careless, or I shot Ashley.

Tip: when you get to the dock with the boat, don't shoot the water

honestly, i can't remember! i know it was alot though. i don't know how many times Ashley got in the way, or i blew myself up, or died in the knife fight!

. The irony of your question lies in what your response was on the next post:

At least you alotted yourself up to 100 deaths prior to playing the game Keep at it, it can be tough until you get a good feel on how you want to play it. Luke just went through it a couple of times recently. I'm not sure how many times he died though.

Back then I didn't have a clue.
It's just that I don't like to die even in games.
In Zelda games or so I always try not to die. I'm so unexperienced in dying.
Ok, I'll try harder. Maybe I can make it with less than 100 deaths.

i can remember i let a friend borrow my Links Awakening and he brought it back with my file (it was already beaten ) I had 8 deaths, and it came back with 194 deaths. it made me laugh.

I always die an ungodly amount of times on every game that I play, I just need to get the hang of it. Never really got the hang of Resident Evil, and I really don't ever want to know how many times I died.

But I'm good at some games! Really. I only died something like five times (er... not counting the spiritual death-and-rebirth journey-thing after each battle) in Shadow of the Colossus.

I didn't die that often in God of War, either... that is, not counting that damned Walk-Five-Million-Feet-Above-The-Ground-On-Narrow-Wood-Planks-While-Avoiding-The-Spinning-Blades-Of-Death

I died close to maybe around 70 my first time through on RE4. But on games like a pretty good veteran at Megaman games but...x6 OMG I died MORE TIMES in that game than any Megaman game combined..ill never beat that game ever.