Eye Toy for PS2

In Modern Systems

Is this thing a chunk of junk or is it worth it? anyone know? (I've never even used on before)

I've played with it. My neice has it. The "boxing" game is fun.
However, the novelty wears off pretty quickly. It's alright for a few minutes of play at a party or something, but it doesn't have the kind of game play that will suck someone in for several hours.

The technology needs to be improved a bit too. A lot of times, movement and touching things flying around the screen does not register, and is quite annoying.

Kids will like it. Maybe grandparents too.
Hardcore gamers? No.

Verdict: It's okay, but not highly recommended.

im pretty hardcore, and i want it for DDR Extreme for the extra PArty GAme Thingamajiggs.

The Eye-toy is alright I have it and it gets a 7.0/10


Small list of games that use the Eye-toy 100% for the game.
Need lots of light and room for play.
Put your face in the game.
New chat program for Online play.