PSX TopView Movie Card

In Modern Systems

I found this thing at a thrift store, cost me a whole $1.50 complete with box, inserts and instructions.

Anyone else have one of these things? Im really not going to use it for VCD's or anything. I was more curious to know if it could play backups and imports.

Any help or insight would be appreciated.


Hi, I have one of these too (from a thrift store) but no instructions. Another post said you have to insert a PSX game first before it will play a VCD. Have you found out anything? From the internet it looks like some of these cards also play gameboy games or cheat codes. Could you email me the instructions? Thanks

The instructions say to insert a PSX game, wait till the swap disc screen comes up and then insert your VCD. Ive tried and tried to get VCD going on this thing, no luck. The TopView thingy is rather useless, but a decent score for $1.50!