New NES?

In Hardware

While browsing around, I discovered what could possibly be the most cool NES clone ever. it's from the Messiah guys, the same people who make the wireless controllers. and includes support for those controllers.

Hey, that thing looks nice.

I just hope Nintendo won't sue them for something.

wow, that does look cool

That is really bad-ass looking. I love that design and i hope i can play that someday.

That does look pretty slick. If i had the money id get one.

I wonder if they could have fixed the blinking screen problem that i had with all of my older nintendos

Wow. I noticed it had a rumble feature... how would that work? It wouldn't work in old / official controllers, would the wireless controllers by Messiah have rumble? Or would the wireless controllers not have rumble in order to save batteries (like Gamecube's wavebirds).

What games would even have rumble...? so many questions!

The rumble will work on all games. It works by sending part of the sound signal from the game to the contoller. I'd imagine it will only work with the controllers they provide.

Hmm, what a cool idea

Now I definately have to get one

The original games weren't programmed with a rumble feature, so how would it know when to rumble? Or would it just rumble randomly? I don't think that a rumble feature could be done successfully unless you reprogram the games.

Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read the thread before posting. this has been covered is this same thread.

I still don't think I quite understand myself. I think what StayPuft is asking is how would the feature work with every game? The sound part being the origin from where the rumble will take place is understood. The main thing is, will it just rumble when you

A.) Shoot Mario's Fireball
B.) Make Mario Jump
C.) Wag Mario's Tail etc. etc.

If it just goes by every sound, that's gonna be one over-used feature! Since technology is more advanced now, is it possible that they have every game's sound somehow mapped out to make the rumble when it's a nice complement?