My screws are screwed, what type to buy?

In Hardware

I've stripped a few of my screws in my NES, and I was curious if there was a solution for new screws other than transporting from another NES. I'm sure there is, but I didn't feel like stripping the screws any more than they already are. What size are the replacements?

I'd search for normal screws that are about the same size as the Nintendo originals. Next time you open your console there's no need for a game bit, then a normal screwdriver does it.
I don't know the exact size of the screws though. Just go to a shop (or into your garage ) and look around I suggest.

The NES console uses normal screws anyway.

Oh... Never opened mine actually.
I have mixed it up with the SNES. That had the special screws.

Then it should still be less a problem to find replacements.