Should Microsoft do this? (Read before you vote)
Should Microsoft do a portable system? I mean, Nintendo has the DS and the Gameboy series, Sony has the PSP, but Microsoft just has the XBOX, (and the 360 comming soon) What do you think?
Yeah, i think it would be pretty cool. Like a super advanced pocket-PC. EMulation city
nah, but I think Im just saying that 'cus Im not a big fan of hand helds. Game Boy's are cool but other than the Game Boy, I dont think I'd ever buy another hand held game system.
No. They don't need to compete with Nintendo and Sony. Nintendo already is "owning" the handheld market, and it wouldn't be smart to make a handheld as of now. Some of M$s 2 party companies might make DS games, like M$ is letting Rare Ware make DS games.
WHy the hell do people say M$? .
lol. Because they have so much money. They could reallys lose millions and millions and millions, and not even notice.
I say no. They should focus on Pocket PCs or Palms or something.
I say no. They should focus on the 360 for now. They may bring one out anyway. If it's good i'd probably buy one (after the DS & PSP)
No, goddammit.
I agree with you 100%. Anyways, they should foucus on the 360. Right now there main
Goal is to sell more than PS3. Getting a year start helped sony a bit with the PS2, and might help Microsoft too.
Yea no handhelds yet they just need to focus on the 360.