Maple Story will own your life.

In General Gaming

A side scrolling MMO'RPG, I've only started playing today and I'm Hooked. I'm going to go the way of the Warrior. I'm already level 10. If you haven't tried this MMO'RPG I suggest you do, right way. ;D
Graphic Whores: Don't let the 2D Graphics turn you off.
The gameplay is really solid. If you want we could start a guild or something, hows an NesFiles guild on Maple Story sound? ;D

I played it briefly before.. i wasn't too impressed with it. Maybe i'll give it another go some time

I thought Maple story was alright, kind of laggy in certain areas. Not to mention it also has its share of hackers. While were on the topic of MMORPG's I'd recommend:

Rapplez - A "Free" (and I mean Free, its just a pain to download) 3d MMORPG

Neverwinter nights- another online rpg, however it does cost about 20 dolars new. I'd recomend the server Arabel for thoughs hardcore Role players.

I thought Maple story was alright, kind of laggy in certain areas. Not to mention it also has its share of hackers. While were on the topic of MMORPG's I'd recommend:

Rapplez - A "Free" (and I mean Free, its just a pain to download) 3d MMORPG

Neverwinter nights- another online rpg, however it does cost about 20 dolars new. I'd recomend the server Arabel for thoughs hardcore Role players.

I moved onto KartRider. WAY better imo. After you pass level 5 there's nothing to do on Maplestory. Too much level grinding, it drove me nuts.

I thought Maple story was alright, kind of laggy in certain areas. Not to mention it also has its share of hackers. While were on the topic of MMORPG's I'd recommend:

Rapplez - A "Free" (and I mean Free, its just a pain to download) 3d MMORPG

Neverwinter nights- another online rpg, however it does cost about 20 dolars new. I'd recomend the server Arabel for thoughs hardcore Role players.

Rapplez owns my man..... He plays EVERY day.