What color Yoshi are you?
Take the free test here
And find out your color of
Mine is
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die.
Man I wish I got the Green
So what does that mean anyway?
Btw, that was a really spammy site...
Btw, that was a really spammy site...
I know but, Its the only one where you can find out what color
Yoshi you are! Thats the only site I know of that picks your
Yoshi color!
I was a Yellow
Yoshi. I dont know if thats good or bad but whatever, that was cool.
Now let the Pink and black
Yoshi's take over the world and do there evil deeds!
I'm Hell Bent on Tang. I farkin love that stuff.
i guess im a pink
Yoshi, but is there really a black
I'm blue. Whatever that means.
You know what? I think you're right, bacause I'm a yellow
Yellow baby yellow.......
Oh, boy. What fun.
Now, I'm off to take an online career quiz to see what I'll be when I grow up. Then, I'll take another quiz to see what personality type I am.
And after that, I'll take another quiz to see which Backstreet boy I'm most similar to.
I was a black
Television Ariel erector, manic depressive, Aj McLean were my results. Swell!
I'm yellow... that site really sucks..