Help finding games please :)

In Games

heya, sorry for this, but i really want to find these games all for the Nes.

ok, first 1: kinda like Robocop, but wasnt, you would scroll across the screen shootin other robo thingys. you could also do cooperative, 2 players which made it twice the fun (hense why i want to find it). hmmm. could pick up other guns and they would all shot red circles. lol, sounds sad now, but was the shit back in the day.

second: Was a space ship game, and you would scroll across the screen and up sometimes, picking up like lil special thingys. hard 2 explain. i remember in the game, at the end of one of the levels, there was this giant brain, and you had 2 shoot its eyes to kill it. you could also do cooperative in this game to.

third: dont really remember this game 2 well. but was a flying game, you had to pick up these green circles/pea like things. you could also sky dive. thats all i really remember about it.

any help would be grand.
Cheers Chriz

second: Was a space ship game, and you would scroll across the screen and up sometimes, picking up like lil special thingys. hard 2 explain. i remember in the game, at the end of one of the levels, there was this giant brain, and you had 2 shoot its eyes to kill it. you could also do cooperative in this game to.

Could be Air Fortress.

I have Robocop and Robocop 2 for trades just PM me and we can work out a deal.

nah wasnt that, i have just been tru the whole 'backgrounds' post....and found the spaceship was 'Life Force' but couldnt find the other two.
the top one means more to me than the bottom 1.

and no, its not Robocop...i have that game two.

Cheers Chriz

first game sounds like probotector, or probotector 2

you f-in legend!!!
thanks for all your help guys!!!

Cheers Chriz

You might want to read posts fully.

Crap, I just saw Robocop and told him I had them for trades....Damn I must read it more carefully sorry guys.

Hey there!

1) First game is: Dinowarz, for NES...
2) Second game is: LifeForce, for NES..(Salamander; in Japan)
3) Third game is: Pilotwings, for SNES..

I hope that helps..take care.

close mate.....

1st one = probotector
2nd one = Life Force
3rd one = is prob pilotwings, i just remember a mate havin it.

Thanks alot guys!

Pilotwings is pretty frickin' hard! I've gotten to where I can make biplane crashes look like works of art.

close mate.....

1st one = probotector
2nd one = Life Force
3rd one = is prob pilotwings, i just remember a mate havin it.

Ya got me there!!...I never played Probotector...will try it soon..and yeah your 3rd game is definetly Pilotwings though...awesome game, I remember beign addicted to that one durin' the Snes's early made me sell my Genesis back in the day when one system was enough and jump ship to SuperNintendo...sad that we never got another game like it....
Do any of you cats know of some type of converter that would enable me to play NES Games on a SNES...I remember hearing of one way back when...vaguely though...

EDIT by Luke: Quote fixed.

i remember a converter for Game boy games on the Snes..... not sure about the NES Games tho.


For a bit I was thinking the second game was Abadox. I remember something with a brain in it. (my memory's a bit fuzzy because all I remember in Abadox was its awesom anatomical gore and stuff for it's landscapes.