How is your input configured?

In Emulators / NES ROMs

I was just wondering what configuration you use to play your NES Games.
Heres mine:

Up - up
Down - down
Left - left
Right - right
A - space
B - b
Select - v
Turbo A - n
Turbo B - m

up - up
down - down
left - left
right - right
select - a
start - s
b - d
a - f

i set it up like that so i don't have to search the keyboard for a button. it's everything is all right there

I use a controller on my PC. The buttons are laid out just about the same as a NES controller. its kind of like a PS controller, so the two extra right-hand buttons are configured for turbo.

I used to use a controller but my cousin ripped the cord, its one of those retractalble ones that are paper thin.

Now I use A keyboard!

Up, Down, Left, Right- You know this.

a turbo=
b turbo=


When I don't use a gamepad, I use the following keys:

up, down, left, right: arrow keys
A: X
B: Y (on American keyboards it's Z)
Start: D (if the emulator allows it (like FCE Ultra), I use both D and Enter)
Select: S (if the emulator allows it, I use both S and Tab)

I never use turbo buttons during regular playing.

I use Gamepad all the way. SO much easier to use then with a keyboard. Looks like a ps1 dualshock somewhat.