Game Genie and NNNesterJ

In Emulators / NES ROMs

I know I posted this topic before but...

How do I get Game Genie to work with NNNesterJ?

I followed without any problems...
OK... My PROBLEM is this:
I now have a .gen file with the GG codes in it...

I can't, for the life of me, get it to load

Does someone know how I do this?
Also, how do I use multiple GG codes???

Personally, NNNesterj is my favorite emulator, but I can't get the GG codes to work, either. You can use FCEUltra for a single GG code, but I can't figure out multiples. The best for GG codes is JNES. They're built right in, and you can add more, turn on and off as you wish. I just don't like the way the pixels are in it, or I'd use it all the time.

I've never messed with Game Genie in an emulator before. I'll try it out tonight and tell you my results.


Now I can't get GG to work at all with NNNesterJ.

I had it working when I first got that EMU...

Since I wrot this thread, Nothing works now. (Not nothing, just the GG part of it).

I don't know what I should be editing in the INI file (as mentioned in the link i provided) either.

If someone figures it out please let me know...

I had absolutely no problem getting my Game Genie to work in nnNesterJ.

Just so we're all on the same page, start with a verified copy of the Game Genie ROM. You can get it off my ROM site .

Once you've downloaded the .zip, create a folder in your nnNesterJ directory called "genie".

Place the downloaded .zip here. (Remember that you can leave NES ROMs zipped. No need to extract your Game Genie file or any of your games.) This is the default directory, so your nnNesterJ .ini file SHOULDN'T need any adjusting. For example, my copy of nnNesterJ is on my desktop. My .ini file looks like this:

If, for example, you have named your Game Genie folder "game genie" instead of "genie", you would just change that line in the .ini file to reflect the changes. If you just name it "genie", you should have no problem.

Load a ROM, and go to Ext -> GameGenie, where you can type in codes.

When you're finished, hit "SaveClose", and your codes will be saved. Game Genie codes are NOT case sensitive (YAZULG can be yazulg). Your codes will not take effect immediately. Do a hard reset, (File -> Reset, or Ctrl + R) and your codes should be effective. Hope that helps.

Thanx ZHX,
I dunno what that was all about, I guess it was the NES ROM...

I've no idea how my copy just went bad all of a sudden...

wow thinks you helped me as well...

i can finally use all those codes it makes the game so much funner sometimes to cheat lol

HA! I also had a bad GG NES ROM! When I saw the steps you said to take, I knew that's how I did it. Man, to think I couldn't get it to work. That was the most upsetting thing about that emulator to me. Thanks for the good NES ROM/Tut, ZombieHunterX!

Does anyone have a good copy of the Game Genie NES ROM they can share with me?

The link in the post above is dead...

Thanks so much!

I havent tried it but I believe the one at NES ROMhustler should contain a good dump.

Yup, that works...
