Network Play on FCE Ultra (NES)

In Emulators / NES ROMs


How does Network Play with it work?
How can I host?
When I press the connect buton, absolutely nothing happens...

Honestly, I never figured that out myself. I have figured out how to do it with JNES though, if you're interested in knowing how to do that. It's a very simple process, and there are many servers to choose from.

I was trying to configure Newtork Play with FCEUltra, but I can't do it...
So...Can Jnes make it?

Yeah, you just have to click on Kaillera in the Options menu. Then just follow the steps. I haven't done it in awhile and just tried it, but right now I'm getting an error trying to connect to the server list. I'm pretty sure it should still work okay though... dial-up just sucks