Canadian NES/Gamers Co-op

In Collecting

Many years ago when I owned a store buying and selling retro games I started something called the Gamers Co-op. It was desined to help Canadian collectors continue with their hobby, helping them against the rising costs of the games.

I've got mainly a lot of good feedback when I reopened the co-op although there are a few who mocked it. I believe they did not know what it was about and never took the time to ask.

So I'll post the link to the site here and see what the feedback to the NES Site that started me on the road to collecting.

Sorry, it bugged me... Analgrammaticalman cannot help himself. It's a curse, I tell you!

That being said, I'm wishing I was Canadian after looking around the place. And well as some more spare time.

Thanks for pointing that out! I usually find them out myself sooner or later! We're in talks with at the moment about openeding a Co-op in the United States to do the same thing but who knows when it'll happen.