Nes collection Program

In Collecting

Is there any program on the net, that lets you add your Nes collection and gives the price and keeps track of all your stuff?, although their prices are way off.

I dont know of any made specifically for the NES. A lot of people seem to use that IGN list thing.

What would you want the program to do and keep track of?
I have a MySQL database setup that already has the game title, the rarity (from etlers list, it was the easiest to use when I put it together), how many players, the company, the genre, and accessories. And some other stuff.

It would be fairly easy to make a sort of a list where a user gets a chance to enter some info about their own games and it stores it in it's own table.

I use the data a bit right now at:

(no images for the carts are on the server)

i use a program called neslister its real simple but it will put them in Sesame Street: ABC order and make a printable list for you. google it and check it out

I also use NES lister. I used to keep track of it off of RFGeneration. From what I hear IGN is a lot more popular than RFGeneration, though.

give NES lister a try.

I downloaded Nes Lister from Nesplayer...And I can't run it It said windows needs certain files to run program...ERRR

I had the same problem.

Download this file, and stick it in the same folder where you extracted NES lister.

Assuming you need the same file.

I had the same problem.

Download this file, and stick it in the same folder where you extracted NES lister.

Assuming you need the same file.

alright, Thankx Nes-luke, I will do this when I come home from school.

hahahah, my cat was on my lap when i checked this topic. he freaked out over airfiggys sig. he looked at the screen, tilted his head, and then started scratching at the screen

hahaha, that makes me laugh actually.

you can right click on the .exe file for the program and run it in win 95 compatability mode and it runs fine.. you can also open the .dat file with note pad and it will show you a list you can print..

I use to track my collection. No price or rarity, but for that you can always check the DP guide. The prices on IGN are off anyway, so it's pretty much useless, imo. RFGeneration will also have nes hardware added to the database sometime in the future (as well as variants which are being added at the moment), so it allows you to pretty much track every piece of your collection...and see images of the stuff while at it