Is the fad finally dying down?

In Collecting

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the retro gaming fad is dying down a little. I remember ebay auctions ending every minute and noticed the prices of many games not getting as high as they used to.

Let's hope that it is dying down It'd be nice, cuz the prices may eventually drop. I'm not a regular eBayer though, so I'm not sure if it's dying down or not.

Of course, it may just be that most of the long-standing collectors haven't got much left that they need to collect, which means less competition for the fairly common games, but ridiculous amounts for the rare titles.

I'd be happy if this happened. I'm perfectly happy with my 50 some NES game though...

I also hope it dies down just a little. All the rich ppl on ebay have taken whats left of the good games. All we got now are ppl that have sale titles that say things like "super RARE Mario Brothers/Duckhunt" It blows my mind how these ppl sell NOTHING but video games and yet they have no idea what they're talking about.

I think what set off the fad was the remakes of the old games for GBA. I hope retro gaming begins to die down once again, so yeah those pretty finds, can actually be FOUND. Rather than some dude picking your 80-in-1 up in front of you.

If those GBA games set it off, then we're in for big trouble. If the Big N still goes through with downloadable old-school games for the Rev, there will be a swarm on new collectors

I commented in another thread about it, and i hope so. Very common games like Zelda smb3 and Punchout go for like 10+. If got 59 NES Games, and want more. Once i can get a job. It will Rule. Like the Neato gang.

I also hope, like many of you, that the retro fad dies down a bit.

There are many people out there who just collect because it's cool and trendy these days. Those guys drive the prices up. And that's not good for us.

Whats so messed up about these ppl buying these games up off ebay though, or atleast this is what I think. They buy the game, play it untill it gets hard or what they think is "boreing" and then put it on a shelf and it sits there forever. Then they turn on Halo or Grand Theft Auto and all the new games. And the only reasson they keep it, is to just say they have it. But theres ppl like me and 99.9% of the ppl on NES Files that would play those games untill our fingers hurt.

I wish it was 2003, when collecting nes was childish and retarded. (the general gaming public said)

Two things that i need to be happy in this life, Snes and Final Fight. Long live oldschool and i hope the prices DO come down more.

Yeah man you got it, I have so many friends that never play their NES stuff but won't sell it because it has too much "nostalgic" meaning or some crap.

There was a fad?
I'm so out of touch with the "yoof"

It'll come down with nintendos new console, since people can just download the stuff after that for a small fee.

Looking forward to Mario Brothers in S-vid

I hope prics come down!
Im broke co's of collecting..
i decided toay would be my last ..
A brand new white Saturn boxed...

I started it for nostalgic reasons..
brings back the good old memories!

i shouldnt have thrown/given away everything as a kid..

Now i have payed for it big time!


i think if there is a fad where they want to DL the games that is better for us becuase it lets us have the actual carts that the real collectors want to have anyways

*Bumps old topic*

I have noticed prices dropping lately... Cool!

When you say "lately" do you mean in the last month, because prices always drop right after Christmas especially on ebay. It seems that in the run up to Christmas crazy people always get caught up in bidding wars for common carts. Contra FOR ONLY $40!! YES PLEASE!

Lately= the last 8 months or so (Excluding Christmas).......

My buddy just paid $20 for Contra.... I would never pay that much for an NES game. Well I guess I shouldn't say never.

Prices are definitely down.

I got SoulBlazer complete for SNES $32 US plus shipping (buy it now) on ebay 2 weeks ago.

That game is usually more than that just for the cart.

One of the local game store workers says that there's a cycle going on with the retro stuff based on the aging of the generations, and that things will be even cheaper soon.

Also, it's summertime, so people are trading things into stores moreso than in the winter.