Opening FAMICOM carts?

In Collecting

how do you open import famicom carts? there's no screws, looks like you just pull them apart, but want to make sure before i do that lol.

I want to clean them, and they loose too.

I was wondering the same thing... I tried prying at a pirate that a friend owns, they don't seem to come apart...

there is one screw, in the very middle, under the label on the back.. so you cant open them without damaging the label. i dont know for sure, but im guessing they have some kind of slide apart setup like gameboy games.

I also didn't have success in opening carts. I didn't know there was a srew under the label either.

That would suck to damage the label to open it though... not sure it's worth doing that.

thanks for the info

yeah, nintendo went to the bother of security bits on all their consoles, when all they really needed to do was put one screw under a label somewhere.. lol.. that would be torture for me.. im a collector and console techie equally.

It's not too bright, but if you use an exacto-knife and cut out the small hole, you should have minimal label damage.

Hey guys!!!
There is no SCREWS on Famicom Carts!
There is nothing behind both the labels!

And it's impossible to work them.
You can do that only by breaking the plastic case.
What a resistant kind of plastic they used?

Please note that pirate 60 pins carts are easier
to be opened, and thety do not break.
