NES Bundle

In Buy/Sell/Trade

Awright, my NES stopped working again, I suspect the circuit board is damaged, as I could never get all of the miscellaneous crap offa it, and I got it a new connector off a friend... frankly, I'm sick of working on it.

So, I'd be willing to trade the console (sans cable/ AC Adapter. I always hoard working cables) for a working one, and I'll throw in a few games for good measure. Knowing my luck, someone else would probably get it working in no time.


Allright, since I am completely unable to send PMs now, I'll answer your question here, if'n you don't mind.

The NES pretty much just flashes, or shows a black screen with a dull monotone.

Not to barge in.. But can you get it to flash game screens or anything? Cause I had a NES that just gave a green screen, and the motherboard was toasted after i had been screwing around in there with some wires. (Now a NESDVD Player) And I guess you've done all the cleaning tricks like bending the pins and cleaning em?

I snagged a new connector from my friend and did my best to clean the circuit board, but I forgot all about the pins... dagnabbit, that may very well be the problem.

Cleaning the circuit board won't really help, but I guess it's always good to clean shit. If it's a new connector, the pins should be fine, but maybe the connection from the 72 pin to the board might be your problem.

How do I go about fixing that?

How do I go about fixing that?

Pull the connector off of the board and scrub the pins on the board good and hard the same way you'd clean a game. Then take a thin piece of cloth dipped in alcohol/windex folded over a credit/bank card and shove it in and out of the part of the connector that connects to the mainboard. You could also try that to the side of the connector that accepts the games, but if you've bent the pins up at all, it'll probably just grab the cloth, resulting in more fuzz in the connector.