Re: Comics?

In Buy/Sell/Trade

Okay... seing as my account will be banned in a few minutes i will have to do this quickly... this is carnage and i got banned because i back talked luke for because he was being a lil hitler and didint like the way i typed

well anywho
i still want those comics people and if you have any then just send me an email to

yours truly

Auf Wiedersehen, Freund.

Did you just call luke "Hitler"? Sorry but that attuide is not welcomed here. Here at Nesfiles we do not call each other names we welcome all. Some mod should get on the forums soon.

Most people who get banned refer to the ban-ers as Hitlers.

From my understanding Hitler is a Douche.

Well, to , maybe, but what was he to all the little 16-year old nazis, with their own jobs and gyms?

OWN3D!!! ZOMGZ!! Oh well lets just remember that we beated the NAZI'S. I could have done it alone with my sick POWer Stone skills but thats besides the point.

wellll actually i believe hitler was a brilliant man who was trying to do something better for the world (in his eyes) but popular culture thinks of him as a bastard son of a gun so thats why i use it in a bad way.. normally id refer to him asa little jew or nigger , etc. because ill admit im a racist and can garentee all of you guys think communism is bad (a little of topic) but if you knew the whole side of teh story then youd see that it isnt bad and it was preety good and dont think tat im a little neo nazi or whatever because im polsih my whole family immigarted from poland in 1988.. my dad in 1984 and my faters side of the family grew up right next to Aushwitz so yeah if you ever waht to have agood convo on post ww1 i know prop more then alot of you guys because i know the losers side of teh war and the winnners unlike most canadaina taht know just the winners

and 16 year old nazi with ther own jobs and gym.. okay by saying that im a nazi your totally wrong.. i was calling someone else hitle so yor wrong and saying taht i have a job and gym states that at 16 im more succesful then you

Hitler wasn't smart. he screwed Germany over. He brain washed them to hate the jewish people of the world. And can we get of the topic of the Nazi thing. It is very sentive to some people and I don't want anyone getting upset.

Do you turn off? I vaguely infer that you are a nazi, and suddenly you admit to being a racist, among other things. Do you even realize how much ammo you supply people with?

And I'm sure you know a great deal about post World War I, being in Junior High, and all. Oh, and I'm afraid you can't like communism. You see, fascists and communists hate each other.

Go Democrats! Man this topic is getting very werid now. First it went from Carange coming back and posting. Too Adolf Hitler. To the Holocaust, Wow what a day.

. Communism is largely an economic viewpoint.

I was thinking is England a Dictorship? I mean with the Queen and all. But does she make laws? Or is it the same system here we make a Law pass it and then the Queen signs it off and it becomes law.

Nowadays, the queen is nothing more than a figurehead who visits places in the name of diplomacy (i.e she doesn't do much)
I'm not sure, but it may be the same system where she signs it off.
Personally, I don't think we need a "royal" family at all.

turn off? I vaguely infer that you are a nazi, and suddenly you admit to being a racist, among other things. Do you even realize how much ammo you supply people with?

Not to mention supplying his email adress *hint hint*

Too hilarious to delete, but I am locking.