In Buy/Sell/Trade

This practically made me shit myself when i read it

"Yea, ive got a PIMPED out Nintendo NES,lets play some Mario!"

lol G4tv should have a show called Pimp My System, where they do shit like that. I wonder if that guy realizes that the real reasson NES's mess up is due to age and dust? lol my NES has NEVER over heated and I've left it on for atleast 24 hours before.

one time i went on vacation for about a week , and when i came home my nes was already on , but it was just pretty much luke-warm.

That is amazing! Wow man, that's a good mod job!!!

You think messing with the Nes Design and then selling it would be Ilgeal but other then that its pretty cool..........but still 60 bucks?

when i first bought my nes it was 75 bucks from
gametraders. DAm ripoffs

when i first bought my nes it was 75 bucks from
gametraders. DAm ripoffs $75 was it a Toploader?

noa frontloader, and when it started blinking i was about to change the 72 pin connector but when i took it off the connectors were rusted so it broke, but i found another nes for 35 dollars that woorks great.
