Megaman 4

In Buy/Sell/Trade

My local gamestation is selling this for £4.99 (unboxed) I was just wondering how much it was worth.

Please post your stuff in the proper corners... this is definitely BUY/SELL/TRADE.
Don't you think so?

I'll move it.

Ah ok, sorry! I got the impression that that forum was for trading between members, I'll know for future reference!

My local store, they had it for 10 american, so I don't know.

I think £5.00 is roughly $10 (US) i'm not too up on the current exchange rates. As for it being a bargain, I don't know. If i were you, i'd search for it on EBay and see how much it goes for on there. But I think it's quite cheap at £4.99

Well, ebay almost always has atleast 5 bucks shipping for one game, so it probably might just be best to pick it up at your gamestation.

whats wrong with "manuel"? ...."didyoumissme" was just wondering if he would get screwed or not if he bought the Megaman game. And "manuel", he is in the right column, this is the BUY section - he wants to BUY the game...

im pretty sure he moved it here.

I'd say £4.99 is a reasonable price, especially for a Gamestation. Megaman 4 was the last of the series to be released here and as a result is the rarest of the bunch, although still not worth much loose. It's quite hard to find in the wild so I'd grab it if you like Megaman.

Look closely at my post...

Please post your stuff in the proper corners... this is definitely BUY/SELL/TRADE.
Don't you think so?

<--- So I moved it. It was in the games section before.

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