well, this is my website

In Advertise Your Site

Wow, im impressed. I like the SMB Glitches page. Goood job

i might make some of it a bit easier to understand... screenshots or something. i will make it easier to understand sometime soon i think though. my website is OK, it could be a lot better. i might make a new website and it may be awesome.

Hey man, if you want to add some images and what-not, feel free to use the gif I made of getting to World -1.

how did you make this? i would be interested to know.

Sure dude, no problem...

It's not too hard really. I use VirtuaNES to make the .vmv. Then use VirtuaNES again to make the .avi using 1/2 frames, and using the Microsoft Video 1 compressor at the 11.025KHz in 8-bit (I think, it might be 16). After that, I open up the .avi in a tool called VirtualDub. It's a real compact program that works really well. I open the .avi in that, and get rid of the music, set the frame rate to process every 2nd frame, ~double the frame rate (to help with the speed for later), color depth to 16-bit, use the MV1 compression again, trim the fat on either side of the .avi to conserve some file size, then Save As Segmented .AVI. Next, I open it up in Image Ready (comes with Photoshop), and process every 2nd frame (again). Then all you have to do is Save Optimized As..., and save it as a gif. You may have to change the frame rate and save it again to get the speed that you're comfortable with.

It doesn't take as long as it sounds, but it works rather well I think. All you have to keep in mind is that you want the file size to be as small as possible before opening it up in Image Ready, or it could take awhile and eat all the resources up in your computer.

Cool Site

My husband was so happy to see Homestar! (He couldn't remember his name for the life of him).
Overall it looks like a fun site!

i had pictures of all the charaters, but the pictures got messed up, so i had to delete most of them. there are despriptions of them i think. i find it funny that a lot of people like my site, i may make a better one sometime soon though.