Link and Tetra sitting in a tree, K. I. S.S. I.N.G.

In Zelda

Does anyone else besides me like Link and Tetra As a couple?


... Who is Tetra? not a huge follower of the story of Zelda, so be gentle

Vaati: ...and I caught Genis looking at a picture of Tetra except this time she was comp-
Zelda: I don't want to here how that story ends.

Voila. Just in times for Valentine's Day! *Prints up to put on wall*

I didn't really consider Link and Tetra as a couple...
Perhaps a one-night stand?

I didn't really consider Link and Tetra as a couple...
Perhaps a one-night stand? :P No, too young the two. :wink: Oh death on a stick.

please don't double and triple post...

Update: I deleted all the garbage in this thread, please try to keep it so that the thread makes sense...

Why does everyone here hate LinkTetra?

I always thought that was like a fake link in Wind Waker. Anyway, thats probably a one way story, you know no matter what, links girl is really Zelda.

Tetra is really Zelda but she is more or less a fake
character. I don't really see a couple there.

End Spoiler

Why should everybody love that couple?

Didn't you want a discussion?
I remind you that this is a board made for discussions, and you should let all members have their own opinion.

I'm Done With this post.

(Onion Kid has Left the building)

Let's see:
Onionkid Voted yes

Nes Luke Has never heard of Tetra
Rabid Shark Sent in fanart but never voted
And NrG, and Manuel are not intrested.

It's not that I'm not interested. I even voted.

Well, I haven't played the game. I really can't vote on something I don't know about.

Is it a story about how they meet, or what? I'm a bit confused on the story of it all

Why should everybody love that couple?

Didn't you want a discussion?
I remind you that this is a board made for discussions, and you should let all members have their own opinion.
You are right.

I don't count them as a couple really. Wind Waker was nothing but a fake Zelda game. It was a replacement link and a replacement Zelda in the game.

I don't care if they're are fake. Please be quiet, NrG.

Don't say that.
It's true that it isn't the Link and Zelda from the first adventure on the NES... I think most of Link's adventures aren't adventures of one and the same person.

I wouldn't call it fake. I love the game too much.
It's a very good installment of the sieries.

Get real!

We all know who Tetra is in love with.

Oh, hell, I knew it!!!

Everybody is after Karnov!!
But why?... Is is the fatness?
Perhaps I should gain a little more weight? ... No, I'm happily married, no need to attract other women.

Oh, hell, I knew it!!!

Everybody is after Karnov!!
But why?... Is is the fatness?
Perhaps I should gain a little more weight? ... No, I'm happily married, no need to attract other women.

but if you gain a little more weight maybe your wife will be more happy with you, and a moustashe of course, and some wings... *sigh* Karnov is just too much for me...

Maybe I'll start with a moustache.

Gaining weight might take place in Japan, where there are so many delicious dishes to be eaten... but I have to run around game and book stores, too...

Wings are no good idea. Security staff might stop me at the airport. Wings on humans are quite unusual these days.

Get real!

We all know who Tetra is

See, this is why Link and Tetra can't be a couple

Screaming at top of lungs: NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)NOOOOOOO! (breath)
Help Me! 911!

Hurts doesn't it, I know

how longed this take you

I think about a minute.... but only if you know the secret secrets of copy and paste...

Personally, I liked wind waker and finished it twice. HAH i love cell shaded for some reason..dont really understand why alot of people didnt like it but o well heh.

Personally, I love cell shaded games. But, it has to be the right game. For instance, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games are cool with cell shading. I can't get past the look of Link on that game, though. Misty keeps trying to get me to buy it. Maybe I'll give it a try and attempt to look past the way he looks... but if I get stuck with a game I don't like... I'll....

Just buy it. You won't regret it. It's the best game on the Cube. Once you saw Link's face in different situations... you'll love it. He has so many facial expressions, it's just great.