July 4th:North Korea Launches Several Missles.

In Off-topic

I can feel another war coming...Jeez I wonder when can our world be at Peace?

Methinks it be political grandstanding.

Haha you're funny. World at peace!
That was a good one.

As long as there are humans on this earth there will be war. And there's nothing you can do about it.

But that Kim Jong Il is far more stupid than I thought.
If he's provocating war, he will lose it. Doesn't he know that?
Against the USA and Japan he faces the two most POWerful military countries in the world. And he only has missiles that fall down uncontrolled...
What drugs did he take I ask myself.

In Iraq everybody seems to have weapons, so they can still fight. They have oil and are therefore rich.
But North Korea is poor and theit leader is stupid...
If there's a war it will end quick I guess.

hey Manuel, didn't you see Team America? Kim Jong Il supplied the terrorists with WMDs, so they're on his side

Of course I saw "ronery" Kim in Team America.

I guess in North Korea that's considered to be sexy.
Standards are different in some parts of the world.

i like his glasses myself.

His lack of expression in every clip I've seen (a`la Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns), give me the heebie-jeebies. This mofo is frickin' insane...

They should add him in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Yeah, that would be nice.
Kim and George W. as 2 hidden characters.