Movies CANNOT show how a gamer plays a game.

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Recently I heard about this Stay Alive movie thats out, Havent seen it yet but I know its about gamers and what not. This got me thinking about movies and shows where I have seen people "playing" games. They seem to make them look all excited and they move around side to side all let me ask
you...have you ever seen ANYONE play like that? On movies they go "YEAH!! YEAH!! LEVEL 2!! etc.... I think its pretty funny because i know for sure thats not how most gamers act when they play a game haha.

I haven't even heard about that movie yet, but if it's about gamers I should watch out for it.
I agree with you that most of the times gamers aren't portrayed very realistically in movies...
Ad for me, I don't go "yeah! yeah! level 2" in a game usually.

The people on don't like the movie very much. Only 4.1 out of 10 with a mere 647 votes.

My girlfriend lifts the controller when she presses the jump button in mario.
I still lean to the side if i try to clear a far jump.
I have been known to throw the controller in glory and scream of victory, although rare, it does happen when playing a really great game.
When I'm playing with friends it only gets worst.
I don't know about you but getting to level 2 in ghosts in goblins was something of a feat not too long ago. What about when you and a few friends sit down determined to beat Battletoads?

Movies are always going to be over the top. Nobody wants to watch cool collected guy sit with an unchanging stare as he plays through a game.

As for the Stay Alive movie it looks absolutely awful..I'm going to much rather watch Snakes on a Plane when it comes out.

Prime example is "The Wizard" When Sam (the father) plays games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and is having a stroke beating the first boss. Though the end challenge Jimmy plays like a champ and he looks like he got a labotomy, how we all look when gaming.

i've seen people lift the controller while jumping in the game, or people that move the controller from side to side while playing a racing/driving game. but i've never seen anyone "YEAH LEVEL 2!!!!!!!11" or anything like that

As odd as it sounds, that's a pretty realistic depiction. When I play, I'm the lobotomy kid (though, not as good as Jimmy. He's the best). When my mom plays she weaves side to side with the character, shouting at the screen. When she wins she'll cheer and when she dies, she'll laugh. It's pretty much a workout.

I theorize that it's an age thing. The older you are, the more animated you are when you play video games.

Groups are a different story. Trash talking, taunting and dericit laughter is all over the place.

they usually have weird videogame noises in the backround as well, ones that repeat and sound kind of odd. but no one acts as crazy as people on shows or movies playing games. i do know people move the controller when they play, but not that extreme, from what i've seen.

In that movie (Stay Alive) they have them practically sitting on top of one another.... it's like they never heard of "personal space".

I don't know about everyone else (I am a bit of an odd duck) but I can't proporly play a game with people inches away from me.

As for the yelling "YEAH LEVEL 2!!!!!!!", who gets that excited over getting to level 2 anyway? Sure, if the game is only two levels, maybe (being that the first level takes you 5 hours to complete).

I haven't even heard about that movie yet, but if it's about gamers I should watch out for it.

Well, it's about gamers dying. Does that count?

Basically that could make for a good movie, but after reading some reviews my eagerness for that movie went down and died.

i dont know about you guys, but every video gaming session goes something like this. just end up fighting with each other.

It is pretty funny when you see people "playing" games by mashing random buttons and whooping and hollering.
Although, sometimes I pull the controller to one side, usually when i'm playing a racing game. I have no idea why. We once told my friends cousin that if he did this, it would make his kart go faster on Mario Kart 64

The only games that gets me acting like that is God of War and Prince of Persia. Those games just get me so damn it. I'll beat an area and absolutely freak out, as embarrassing as that is.