You're not alone in liking "Athena"

In Games

Alright, I'm probably going to get heavily slammed for this, but member Jenni wrote that she's probably "the only person in the world who likes Athena," well, you're not alone. I happen to be a big fan of this game, and there just hasn't been anything like it since. Now, has anyone ever this game? I just keep dying over and over in The World Of Hell and have only been in--I think it's called this--"The Lost World" once. Any adVice? I know everyone hates this, and Deadly Towers also, but I like and have finished that one. I think the major NES busts had to be Super Pitfall and Castlequest. Especially Castlequest.

wrong forum..

I never did finish it.

It's not due to lack of skill, I just have a short attention span.

I'm sure if I devoted the time it:wink:

No, he properly posted. This is the Games forum under the NES heading. Perfectly legit post

As for Athena, I don't have it and thought I had it. I was thinking of Arkista's Ring this whole time I'll have to boot it up via emu to see which game this is, because I'm drawing a blank.

I tried it on an emulator and I must say it isn't so bad, but it isn't so good either.
It looks like very cheaply produced (controls and character movements are not good) to me and I think thee are homebrew games out there, which surpass that game in many ways.
But as I said, it's not too bad either. I kind of like the graphics.

No, he properly posted. This is the Games forum under the NES heading. Perfectly legit post

I'm sure it was in the b/s/t forum as if you look there now, it has this topic with "moved" next to it.
I think the games o.k but I don't think i'd buy it ever.

No, he properly posted. This is the Games forum under the NES heading. Perfectly legit post

I'm sure it was in the b/s/t forum as if you look there now, it has this topic with "moved" next to it.
I think the games o.k but I don't think i'd buy it ever.

Yeah it was in the Buy sell trade section at that time

ha Cool, didn't realize it was already moved

I have fond memories of playing it at a friends house many years ago. I found one at a thrift store over a year ago and haven;t played it much. I think I was remembering the game better tan it actually was though.

This game is gayer then a trainfull of gays going to gayville for the gay convention.

No, I think that honor would go to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Ha! Game point, set and match.

he's on the train....

he's on the train....

Or maybe he's a "greeter" at the convention?

Or it could be research.

Or maybe he's

trust me, he's on the train