does any one what game is this

In Games

hi guys, im new here, nice site

does anyone remember the title of a racing game in which you were followed by police cars and you had to jump through like 3 or 4 floors
i remember it very vaguely but i know is was fun and i've been searching for a couple of weeks with no luck
thanks in advance

City_Connection, Made by Jaleco?

Yeah, that's gotta be City Connection.

I'm sure of it....

Is this a possible Sticky Topic???? I see alot of "What's That Game" Topics

I don't know, I kind of prefer how things are going, so each game can be isolated. it is a "Games" Section of a "NES" forum. But it would be a little more organised.

great game, but damn those cats! damn them to hell!

I'm sure of it....

Is this a possible Sticky Topic???? I see alot of "What's That Game" Topics

I don't know about , but you can certainly make a game Q&A thread if you want...

thanks guys that's the one I was looking for!!