When you play RPGS do you rush or take your time.

In Games

Just wondering how you all play RPGS. Do you usually just rush through or take your time and really enjoy it and explore almost everywhere? I try to have fun and explore. What are your play ethics like?

I'm an enjoyer.
I take my time to go through RPGs. I want to talk to everybody, if possible want to solve every sidequest.
I take a lot of time to level-up and earn money.

The developers put in a whole lot of time in most of the games and I want to experience that for as long as possible.

I have to aggre with that. I even go back to some dungeons just to double check that i didnt miss any chests sometimes heh.

for some reason I rush!

I take my time and enjoy it. I spent 200hr on Dragon Warrior 7, unveling the world that once was and solving the sidequests, such as building an immigrant town, 2 bonus dungeons, winning the world ranking federation, collecting 128 tiny medals, etc.

I rush and require lots of action or i get bored fast.

I kind of rush through, unless I see something obvious that I can go off and do.

I especially don't go back to a dungeon. What's the purpose of me finding a treasure chest that I missed the last time containing a club or other primitive weapon, when all my characters have long ago surpassed those kinds of weapons? It's not worth it.

I kind of rush through, unless I see something obvious that I can go off and do.

I especially don't go back to a dungeon. What's the purpose of me finding a treasure chest that I missed the last time containing a club or other primitive weapon, when all my characters have long ago surpassed those kinds of weapons? It's not worth it.

The point isn't to go back, but get everything on the first run, generally things you find, if found at the proper time in play are pretty useful.

I take it slow. I suck up all the story, and enjoy it.

Well looks like i got some massive DW gaming to do then

When I played through Mystic Quest Legend (SNES) the last time (it was the 6th or 7th time), I rushed through to see how fast I could do it. But still I fought every enemy on the battlefields and in the dungeons.

I generally try and do everything in the game, but also rush it as much as possible because sometimes when i get stuck for too long i get fed up and just abandon playing the game like i did on Earthbound zero and pokemon silver.

I always start really fast, but then I slow down and do everthing inculding anything I missed before.

Ah yes mystic quest. I dont see why people did not like it. I thought it was a pretty good game. I think if it didnt have the name Final Fantasy in it , it probably would have been respected more. But nontheless i need to restart that game and finish it now that you mention it.

I try my best to explore every attainable area of the game and get 100% pure completion as quickly as possible.

Heh ill never get 100% all the way. Im not ever good at findining everything and i dont feel like using a guide to get the items heh.

depends on the quality, fun factor and immersion of the rpg

I do a bit of both but it is more of the game that depends. For example, if the game has a good story, I might rush, if I find it fun from the start, I will do some strict training and make sure I am always prepared. It really matters about how fun the game is and how unique the battle settings are.

Well im getting Tales of Symphonia soon. Im nearing the end of Tales of Phantasia on the snes but i quit that for a bit, I wonder how good this game is going to be and if there will be alot of side things to do or not. I heard its a really good game.